Qz and Bowl

Our Services

We all have something we are searching for within that we believed beyond our attainment. Sound healing uses vibrational medicine to not only relax and heal, but to bring us inner enlightenment and improve our self-awareness. This leads to inspiration and transformative healing that gives life a whole new perspective. Let Sound Healing help you bring your purpose clarity and assist in your inner awakening.

We offer many services to help you relax, relieve stress, heal, transform energies and otherwise bring harmony to your life. We offer both individual and group sessions, as well as educational workshops. Sessions vary in cost depending on the service and typically last 45 minutes or longer. We employ various sound healing tools and practices including Tibetan Singing Bowls, Tuning Forks and Healing Crystals. We also offer Planetary Alignments, Cosmic Alignments as Sacred Space Clearing and Blessing.

For Individuals

Crystal Pendant

Crystal Goddess Pendants

$99-122 for medium-sized
$150 for large stones

Sound Healing Pendants serve as amplifiers of healing energies. These beautiful, one-of-a-kind pendants are infused with the frequencies of Tibetan Singing Bowls and Gongs. The cost of medium size stones vary depending on the type of stone used.

Singing Bowls and Crystals

Healing with Singing Bowls and Crystals

$70 for 45 Minutes

Combines the healing properties of Tibetan Bowls and Crystal Sounds Bath. As the sounds of Tibetan Bowls help you enter a state of relaxation, Crystal Stones are placed on your chakras to align and balance your entire body system.

Planetary Forks

Planetary Alignment

$100 (Sliding Scale) for 75 Minutes+

This treatment uses the Acutonics Planetary Forks that have been selected for the individual’s needs and health issues. Forks are determined through conversations with our Elder Healer as well as our client intake form.

In addition to the Tuning Forks normally used, Planetary Chimes, Tibetan Bowls, Crystals and other sound tools are used (on and around the body) to bring the individual closer to a state of bliss and relaxation. Discounts are available on treatment packages including more than 3 sessions.

Cosmic Alignment

Cosmic Alignment

$110 (Sliding Scale) for 90 Minutes+

This treatment is based on the Fibonacci sequence and Sacred Geometry. It involves placing 9 forks on the 8 extraordinary vessels or other parts of the body.

These sessions aim to aid in the journey towards optimal health and inner enlightenment. They can also assist in creating harmonic balance of mind, body and spirit within the cosmos.

These forks integrate the Hermetic Principle: As above so below, as within so without creating a deep connection between each of us and the greater universe.

Land Cleaning

Sacred Space Clearing and Blessing

$100 for 1 Hour

This involves using various sound tools and ceremonies to clear dense, old or negative energies from your personal space or property. Then, we anchor higher vibrational frequencies to your sacred space to create a more uplifting and positive environment.

Group Sessions

Gong Bath with Bowls

Private Gong Bath Meditations

$35 per person for 45 Minutes+

Gong Therapy has been practiced for thousands of years, bathing you in relaxing sound waves. The vibrations of the gongs create deep relaxation by synchronizing brain wave patterns (Alpha, Beta and Theta) to the sounds of the Gongs. It has been described as a sound massage for the body, mind and spirit. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is to heal.

Private sessions at your home are also available. Please note that fuel surcharges will apply depending on total distance travelled. Any and all applicable fees will be discussed when you book your appointment.

Gong Bath

Monthly Gong Night Meditations

By Donation for 45 Minutes

These events are offered twice a month by donation. For every client who takes part in these transformational events, we wish to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation for their support.

If you receive 3 Gong Baths, you will receive the 4th one free. It is our way of honouring your commitment and dedication to your personal healing journey

Planetary Forks


(Coming Soon!)

At Sound Healing Goddess, we are dedicated to improving the quality of life for everyone through Sound Healing and other practices.

We offer various workshops to discuss the benefits of Sound Healing and how to use those sounds to help participants reach a higher level of vibrational awareness. Please visit our Facebook Page for more information on how and where to attend our workshops.